Core Java Books

Monday, 28 February 2011

JCheckBox and Icons

I've been working on an application which makes extensive use of JCheckBox. In all cases I override the icons displayed by JCheckBox class to more user friendly and modern looking. The standard icons used by Swing L&F (including Nimbus) are OK but they don't really offer much goodness to the eye. Here is an example of a JCheckBox with some interesting icons:

(Java 1.6 required!)

The icons also brighten slightly when the mouse moves over them.

As several of these JCheckBoxes display the same icons I decided a nice solution would be to create some classes that override JCheckBox so I can easily make use of common settings and within an IDE (such as Netbeans) just drag and drop the widgets around.

I started by creating an AbstractIconCheckBox

This class provides a base with most of the logic in it to construct the widget. Note that it also provides a constructor which takes care of sizing the icons to be display.

package com.webbyit.swing;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;

 * Abstract base <code>JCheckBox</code> which is intended to be used to display icons.
 @author webbst
abstract public class AbstractIconCheckBox extends JCheckBox {

    private static final int DEFAULT_ICON_SIZE = 16;

     * Creates a <code>JCheckBox</code> initially de-selected and displaying tick and cross icons
     * of default size of 16 pixels height and width.
    public AbstractIconCheckBox() {

     * Creates a <code>JCheckBox</code> initially de-selected and displaying tick and cross icons.
     @param iconSize the height and width of the tick and cross icons to be displayed
    public AbstractIconCheckBox(int iconSize) {

     * Set the icons on the <code>JCheckBox</code>
    protected void setIcons(int iconSize) {
        try {
            BufferedImage image = ImageUtilities.getBufferedImage(getSelectedIconName());
            setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.createScaledImageFast(image, iconSize)));
            image = ImageUtilities.getBufferedImage(getRolloverSelectedIconName());
            setRolloverSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.createScaledImageFast(image, iconSize)));
            image = ImageUtilities.getBufferedImage(getIconName());
            setIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.createScaledImageFast(image, iconSize)));
            image = ImageUtilities.getBufferedImage(getRolloverIconName());
            setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.createScaledImageFast(image, iconSize)));
        catch (IOException ex) {
           System.out.println("Icon not found in TickCrossCheckBox class" + ex);

    abstract protected String getSelectedIconName();

    abstract protected String getRolloverSelectedIconName();

    abstract protected String getIconName();

    abstract protected String getRolloverIconName();

All any implementing class then needs to do is to implement the abstract methods which provide the icons. As the TickCrossCheckBox demonstrates:

package com.webbyit.swing;

 <code>JCheckBox</code> which displayed a tick or cross image instead of the normal box with a cross in it.
 @author webbst
public class TickCrossCheckBox extends AbstractIconCheckBox {

     * Creates a <code>JCheckBox</code> initially de-selected and displaying tick and cross icons
     * of default size of 16 pixels height and width.
    public TickCrossCheckBox() {

     * Creates a <code>JCheckBox</code> initially de-selected and displaying tick and cross icons.
     @param iconSize the height and width of the tick and cross icons to be displayed
    public TickCrossCheckBox(int iconSize) {

    protected String getSelectedIconName() {
        return "tick_32.png";

    protected String getRolloverSelectedIconName() {
        return "tick_32_rollover.png";

    protected String getIconName() {
        return "cross-32.png";

    protected String getRolloverIconName() {
        return "cross-32_rollover.png";

I also have implementing classes for such things as sound mute checkboxes and so on.

I'm intending that my next post will look into developing an AutoComplete JComboBox. I've seen it done a few times before but I want to try something a little different. It should prove an interesting challenge and provide a useful component. I'll start with a teaser WebStart link and then write a few blogs about how I get it working.

So whats this blog about

Well I suppose I should start by explaining what my reasons are for creating the blog. Simply it seems a great way of recording my findings as I work with Java and also for me to indulge in the occasional rant!.

There are many things from week to week that I have to learn which invariably I forget soon after. I intend to jot any useful stuff down, if this is of any use to others that is fantastic.

My main interests at the moment are Java Swing, JavaFX (Still awaiting the 2.0 early release) and also I've just started investigating Android Development. I will probably delve in to talking about build tools and development processes at various points in time.

Anyway that's a heads up, stay tuned.